Dr Ivor J. Lim
MA, MBBChir (Cambridge University)
MMed (Surgery) (Yahya Cohen Gold Medalist)
FRCS (Edinburgh), FRCS (Glasgow), FAMS (Plastic Surgery)
FRCS (Plastic Surgery) (UK Intercollegiate Specialty Boards)
(Ian MacGregor Gold Medalist)
Training at Cambridge and St. Thomas’ Hospital (London)
Dr Lim received his undergraduate medical training at Cambridge University and St. Thomas’s Hospital (London), and qualified MBBChir (Cambridge) with the additional degree of an MA in Pathology where he investigated the molecular mechanisms for the generation of fever. Dr Lim was first exposed to Plastic Surgery at the internationally renowned St Thomas’s Hospital Plastic Surgery Unit, and quickly realised that this was the area of surgery in which he could excel with his love for fine, delicate, aesthetically refined work.
Dr Lim returned to Singapore and completed his Basic Surgical Training, whereupon he successfully passed examinations and became a Fellow of both the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, and the Royal College of Surgeons of Glasgow. Shortly after, he obtained his Master of Medicine (Surgery) Degree at the National University of Singapore, winning the Yahya Cohen Gold Medal, and successfully gained competitive entrance into Plastic Surgery Advanced Surgical Training. His Plastic Surgical training included Hand Surgery (which remains his reconstructive interest), General Plastic Surgery, Craniofacial and Cleft Surgery, Microsurgical Reconstructive Surgery, Burns Surgery, and Cosmetic Surgery.
On full completion of his Plastic Surgery training, Dr Lim furthered his exposure in Plastic Surgery as a Fellow on the prestigious Pan Thames (London) rotation in the United Kingdom. Subsequently, he obtained his Exit Certification in Plastic Surgery, and was conferred Fellowship to the Academy of Medicine of Singapore, and was admitted to the Plastic Surgery Specialists Register.
Ian MacGregor Gold Medal
Determined to go the extra mile, Dr Lim then took the additional step of sitting for and passing the FRCS (Plastic Surgery) exams held by the Intercollegiate Specialty Boards of the United Kingdom, where he was awarded the Ian MacGregor Gold Medal in Plastic Surgery. Dr Lim thus became the first Plastic Surgeon in Singapore to receive Full Specialist Qualifications in Plastic Surgery from the United Kingdom, as well as being the first non-British national to win the MacGregor Medal – the most prestigious award for British Plastic Surgery.
Dual Exit Certification in both Plastic and Hand Surgery
All through his training, Dr Lim continued with his interest in Hand Surgery, aesthetics and reconstruction, maintained close links with the Department of Hand and Reconstructive Microsurgery, and went on to obtain Specialist Exit Certification in Hand Surgery. Dr Lim is the only Plastic Surgeon in Singapore to have dual Specialist Certification and dual specialised training in both Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery.
Dr Lim’s Cosmetic Surgery exposure began at the start of his Plastic Surgery Advanced Training, and has been reinforced with exposure to Cosmetic Surgery in England, North America and Korea. His personal interests are in facial cosmetic surgery, laser and light cosmetic applications, cosmetic breast surgery and body contouring.
Adjunct Associate Professor in Surgery at National University of Singapore
Dr Lim accepted a position as Consultant Plastic Surgeon and Consultant Hand Surgeon at the National University Hospital on completion of his training.
Academically, Dr Lim has been on Faculty in the Department of Surgery of the National University of Singapore for many years where he started his ground breaking work on scar biology with his close friend and colleague Dr Phan Toan Thang, and remains to this day an adjunct Associate Professor in the Department. He continues to regularly teach and conduct research there.
Publications and Peer Reviewer
Dr Lim has published more than 50 papers in International Peer Reviewed Plastic Surgery and Research journals since 1992, and serves as a peer reviewer for journals as well as for competitive grants.
He has also edited a book on Hand Surgery, and written two book chapters on Plastic Surgery.
Cell Biology Research
Dr Lim is a Founding Director of CellResearch Corporation Group of Companies which is focused on the research and commercialisation of Umbilical Cord Lining membrane Stem Cells, a patented technology that he co-developed with Professor Phan Toan Thang.
In addition to directing the Skin Cell Research Group at the National University of Singapore where he has an academic affiliation, he has international collaborations for research, reviews grants both locally and internationally, and is a peer reviewer for local and international scientific and professional journals.
The company and its subsidiaries has 8 families of patents in more than 70 territories worldwide.
- Consultant Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon
- Consultant Hand Surgeon
- Adjunct Associate Professor in Surgery, National University of Singapore
- Member, Singapore Association of Plastic Surgeons
- Member, Singapore Association of Cosmetic (Aesthetic) Surgeons
- Overseas Associate Member, British Association of Plastic Surgeons
- Full Active Member, North American Plastic Surgery Research Council
- Army Major, S3, HQ 3rd Combat Support Hospital, Singapore Armed Forces
- Director, Skin Cell Research Group, National University of Singapore
- Founder and Medical Director, Cell Research Corporation, Singapore
- Founder and Medical Director, CordLabs, Singapore
- MA (Pathology) (Cambridge University)
- MBBChir (Cambridge University)
- FRCS (Edinburgh)
- FRCS (Glasgow)
- MMed (Surgery) (National University of Singapore)
- Exit Certification in Plastic Surgery (Specialist Accreditation Board, Singapore)
- Exit Certification in Hand Surgery (Specialist Accreditation Board, Singapore)
- FAMS (Plastic Surgery) (Academy of Medicine, Singapore)
- FRCS (Plastic Surgery) (Intercollegiate Specialty Boards, United Kingdom)
- Pre-University Scholarship, Singapore
- Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship, Rockefeller University, New York, USA
- Yahya Cohen Gold Medal in Surgery, Singapore
- Saleh M Shenaq International Research Award, Plastic Surgery Research Council, USA
- Ian MacGregor Gold Medal in Plastic Surgery, British Association of Plastic Surgeons, UK
Research Achivements
Dr Lim remains active in research, and continues to run the Skin Cell Research Group laboratories at the National University of Singapore with Dr Phan Toan Thang. He was the first Singaporean to present his research work at the North American Plastic Surgery Research Council, and received the Saleh M Shenaq International Research Award for his ground breaking work on scar and keloid biology.
He has also been Co-Author to the Young Scientist Award by the Singapore National Medical Research Council for an unprecedented 2 consecutive years. His work was presented at the Gordon Scientific Conference- rated the highest level international research conference, in 2003.
Dr Lim is currently the only Singaporean Full Active Member of the North American Plastic Surgery Research Council, as is also a Founder and Medical Director of Singapore Biotech companies Cell Research Corporation and CordLabs, both of which focus on stem cell research.
Dr Lim is also co-inventor for 2 patents related to stem cells and tissue engineering applications.
Dr Lim has published more than 50 papers in International Peer Reviewed Plastic Surgery and Research journals since 1992, and serves as a peer reviewer for journals as well as for competitive grants.
Click here for a complete list.
He has also edited a book on Hand Surgery, and written two book chapters on Plastic Surgery.
Book Chapters
- Lim IJ, Kour AK, Pho RWH. Lengthening in free vascularised fibular graft Hand Clinics 15(4): 585- 588, 1999
- Lim IJ, Lim BH. Nerve Compression Injuries in General Practitioners’ Guide to Hand Surgery, Lim BH, Looi KP, Lim IJ (Eds), 2000
- Do DV, Masilamani J, Lim IJ, Phan TT. Chapter 26: Derivation of Hepatocytes from Human Umbilical Cord Lining Epithelial Cells. In: Bongso A, Lee EH (Eds). Stem Cells: From Bench to Bedside 2nd Edition, World Scientific Publishing Group, 2010
- Lim IJ, Chia YW, Theobald D, Goh P (1993) Laparoscopic exploration of the common bile duct through a choledochotomy: Report of three cases. J Hep Bil Pancr Surg 1: 33-35, 1993
- Chua S, Arulkumaran S, Lim IJ, Selamat N, Ratnam SS (1994) Influence of breastfeeding and nipple stimulation on postpartum uterine activity. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 101(9): 804-805, 1994
- Lim IJ, Singh K, Prasad RN, Chan HL, Lam RS, Ratnam SS (1994) “Pregnancy tumour” of the nasal septum. Aust NZ J Obstet Gynaecol 34(1): 109-110, 1994
- Lim IJ, R Pho, EPC Tock. Atypical extraungual manifestation of a subungual glomus tumour
Br J Plast Surg 52(4): 327-328, 1999 - Chan KO, Lim IJ, Baladas HG, Tan WTL. Multifocal trichilemmal carcinoma: a case report
Br J Plast Surg 52(8): 665- 667, 1999 (Corresponding Author) - Lim IJ, Phan TT, Song C, Tan WTL, Longaker MT. Investigation of the influence of keloid-derived keratinocytes on fibroblast growth and proliferation in-vitro. Plast Reconstr Surg 107: 797-808, 2001
- Peled Z, Lim IJ, Phan TT, Cowan CM, Warren SM, Bouletreau PJ, Crisera FE, Erfani S, Chang J, Longaker MT. Enhanced transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-1) and reduced Smad 7 gene expression characterize keloid human keratinocytes: implications for keloid pathogenesis. Surg Forum, Vol LII, 563-567, 2001
- Lim IJ, Phan TT, Bay BH, Peled Z, Qi R, Pereira BP, Huynh H, Tan WTL, Lee ST, Longaker MT. Induction of keloid-like collagen secretory characteristics in normal fibroblasts co-cultured with keloid-derived keratinocytes. Surg Forum, Vol LII, 560-563, 2001
- Phan TT, Lim IJ, Bay BH, Qi R, Pereira BP, Huynh H, Tan WTL, Lee ST, Longaker MT. Differences in collagen production between normal and keloid-derived fibroblasts in serum-media co-culture with keloid-derived keratinocytes. J Dermatol Sci 29(1): 26-34, 2002 (Joint First Authorship)
- Lim IJ, Phan TT, Bay BH, Qi R, Huynh H, Tan WTL, Lee ST, Longaker MT. Fibroblasts cocultured with keloid keratinocytes: normal fibroblasts secrete collagen in a keloidlike manner Am J Physiol- Cell Physiol 283: C212-C222, 2002
- Lim IJ, Phan TT, Bay BH, Qi R, Longaker MT, Lee ST, Huynh HT. Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding-Protein-3 (IGFBP-3) influences fibroblast proliferation by keloid-derived keratinocytes in-vitro. J Am Coll Surg 195(3S): S49, 2002
- Wang Z, Trinidade M, Fong K, Peled Z, Phan TT, Lim IJ, Yang G, Smith L, Longaker MT. Growth factor production by keloid and normal fibroblasts after physical stress J Am Coll Surg 195(3S): S49, 2002
- Phan TT, Lim IJ, Bay BH, Qi R, Longaker MT, Lee ST, Huynh H. Role of IGF system of mitogens in the induction of fibroblast proliferation by keloid-derived keratinocytes in vitro Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 284(4):C860-C869, 2003
- Chaw CS, Yang YY, Lim IJ, Phan TT, Chung N. Water-soluble betamethasone-loaded poly(lactide-co-glycolide) microparticles as sustained release dosage forms. Effects of formulation, process types and fabrication conditions on the performance of microparticles. J Microencapsulation 20(3): 349-359, 2003
- Lim IJ, Phan TT, Bay BH, Qi R, Lee ST, Longaker MT, Huynh HT. Synchronous MAP kinase and PI-3 kinase pathway activation is required for collagen and extracellular matrix production in keloids. Wound Rep Regen. 11(5):A29, 2003
- Lim IJ, Phan TT, Tan EK, Nguyen TTT, Tran E, Longaker MT, Song C, Lee ST, Huynh HT. Synchronous activation of ER kinase and PI-3 kinase pathways is required for collagen and extracellular matrix production in keloids. J Biol Chem 278(42): 40851-8, 2003
- Phan TT, Lim IJ, Sun L, Chan SY, Bay BH, Tan EK, Lee ST. Quercetin inhibits fibronectin production keloid-derived fibroblasts: implications for the treatment of excessive scars. J Dermatol Science, 2003 (Joint First Authorship)
- Yang GP, Lim IJ, Phan TT, Lorenz HP, Longaker MT. From scarless fetal wounds to keloids: molecular studies in wound healing. Wound Rep Regen 11:411-418, 2003
- Lim IJ. A New Era of Clinician Scientists Ann Acad Med Singapore 33(1): 117, 2004
- Xia W, Phan TT, Lim IJ, Longaker MT, Yang GP. Complex epithelial-mesenchymal interactions modulate transforming growth factor-beta expression in keloid-derived cells. Wound Rep Regen 12: 546-556, 2004
- Xia W, Kong W, Phan TT, Lim IJ, Longaker MT, Yang GP. Increased CCN2 transcription in keloid fibroblasts requires cooperativity between AP-1 and Smad binding sites. Annals of Surgery 246(5):886-89, 2007
- Phan TT, Lim IJ, Tan EK, Lee ST. Suppression of TGF-beta/smad signaling in keloid-derived fibroblasts by quercetin: Implication for treatment of excessive scars. Journal of Trauma 57: 1032-1037, 2004
- Phan TT, Lim IJ, BH Bay, J Tan, ST Lee. Evaluation of cell culture on polyurethane-based membrane – Implication for tissue engineering of skin and other surface tissues. Cell and Tissue Banking 6: 91-97, 2005
- Chong EJ, Lim CT, Lim IJ, Phan TT. Application of biotechnology, nanotechnology and tissue engineering in cosmetic medicine. Kosmetische Medizin 5+6: 212-216, 2005 (invited review paper)
- Mukhkopadhyay A, Tan EK, Khoo YT, Chan SY, Lim IJ, Phan TT. Epithelial-mesenchymal interactions in keloids induce contraction of fibroblast-populated collagen lattices. British Journal of Dermatology 152: 639-645, 2005
- Phan TT, Lim IJ, Aalami O, Loget F, Mukhkopadhyay A, Tan EK, Khoo YT, Longaker MT. Smad3 plays an important role in keloid pathogenesis via epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. Journal of Pathology 207(2): 232-242, 2005
- SJ Sebastin, ME Puhaindran, Lim AYT, Lim IJ, Bee WH. The prevalence of absence of the palmaris longus – a study in a Chinese population and a review of the literature. Journal of Hand Surgery (British and European Volume) 30B: 5: 525-527, 2005
- Wang Z, Fong KD, Phan TT, Lim IJ, Longaker MT, Yang GP. Increased transcriptional response to mechanical strain in keloids fibroblasts due to increased focal adhesion complex formation. Journal of Cellular Physiology 206(2): 510-507, 2006
- Wang LS, Chow PY, Phan TT, Lim IJ, Yang YY. Fabrication and characterization of nano-structured and thermo-sensitive membranes for wound healing and cell grafting. Advanced Functional Materials 16:1171-1178, 2006
- Lim CP, Phan TT, Lim IJ, Cao XM. Stat3 contributes to keloid pathogenesis and is a potential therapeutic target for keloid scar formation. Oncogene 25(39):5416-5425, 2006
- Khoo A, Ong CT, Mukhopadhyay A, Han HC, Do DV, Lim IJ, Phan TT. Up-regulation of secretory Connective Tissue Growth Factor (CTGF) in keratinocyte-fibroblast coculture contributes to keloid pathogenesis. Journal of Cellular Physiology 208(2): 336-343, 2006
- Xia W, Phan TT, Lim IJ, Longaker MT, Yang GP. Differential transcriptional responses of keloid and normal keratinocytes to serum stimulation. Journal of Surgical Research 135(1): 156-163, 2006
- Wang LS, Chow PY, Phan TT, Lim IJ and Yang YY. “Fabrication and Characterization of Nanostructured and Thermosensitive Polymer Membranes for Wound Healing and Cell Grafting”. Advanced Functional Materials 16:1171-1178, 2006
- Ong CT, Khoo YT, Mukhkopadhyay A, Khoo YT, Do DV, Han HC, Lim IJ, Phan TT. Epithelial-mesenchymal interactions in keloid pathogenesis modulate vascular endothelial growth factor expression and secretion. Journal of Pathology 211(1): 95-108, 2007
- Mukhkopadhyay A, Khoo YT, Chan SY, Philips D, Lim IJ, Phan TT. The role of activin system in keloid pathogenesis. American Journal of Physiology- Cell Physiology 292(4): C1331-8, 2007
- Do DV, Lim IJ, Phan TT. Roles of epithelial-mesenchymal interactions in keloid scar pathogenesis and carcinogenesis. A review. Current Signal Transduction Therapy 2(3): 214-220, 2007 (invited review paper)
- Ong CT, Khoo YT, Mukhopadhyay A, Do DV, Lim IJ, Aalami O, Phan TT. mTOR as a potential therapeutic target for treatment of keloids and excessive scars. Experimental Dermatology 16: 394-404, 2007
- Chong EJ, Lim CT, Phan TT, Lim IJ, Zhang YZ, Bay BH, Ramakrisnan S. Evaluation of electrospun PCL/gelatin nanofibrous scaffold for wound healing and layered dermal reconstitution. Acta Biomaterialia 3(3):321-330, 2007
- Mukhopadhyay A, Khoo YT, Chan SY, Lim IJ, Aalami O, Phan TT. Targeting of Sp1 Transcription Factor: A Novel Therapeutic Approach for Keloids, an in vitro analysis. Experimental Dermatology 16(12): 1023-1031 5, 2007
- Xia W, Kong W, Phan TT, Lim IJ, Longaker MT, Yang GP. Increased CCN2 transcription in keloid fibroblasts requires cooperativity between AP-1 and Smad binding sites. Annals of Surgery 246(5):886-89, 2007
- Ong CT, Khoo YT, Mukhkopadhyay A, Khoo YT, Do DV, Han HC, Lim IJ, Phan TT*. Epithelial-mesenchymal interactions in keloid pathogenesis modulate vascular endothelial growth factor expression and secretion. Journal of Pathology 211(1):95-108, 2007
- Lee SJ, Lim AY, Lim IJ, Lim TC, Pho RW. Innervation of the Face Studied Using Modifications to Sihler’s Technique in a Primate Model. Plast Reconstr Surg 121(4):1188-205, 2008 Apr
- Ruetze M, Gallinat S, Lim IJ, Chow E, Phan TT, Staeb F, Wenck H, Deppert W, Knott. Common features of umbilical cord epithelial cells and epidermal keratinocytes. Journal of Dermatological Science 50:227-231, 2008
- Lim CP1, Phan TT, Lim IJ, Cao XM. Cytokine profiling and Stat3 phosphorylation in epithelial-mesenchymal interactions between keloid keratinocytes and fibroblasts. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 129(4):851-861, 2009
- Mukhopadhyay A, Chan SY, Khoo A, Ong CT, Lim IJ, Phan TT. Syndecan-2 and decorin: proteogylcanswith a difference- implications in keloid pathogenesis. The proteoglycans of difference. Journal of Trauma 68(4): 999-1008, 2010
- Mukhopadhyay A, Chan SY, Do DV, Khoo A, Ong CT, Lim IJ, Phan TT. The role of Stem Cell Factor/c-Kit in keloid pathogenesis. Do tyrosine kinase inhibitors have a potential therapeutic role? British Journal of Dermatology 2011 Feb;164(2):372-86
- Ooi B, Do DV, Khoo A, Ong CT, Lim IJ, Phan TT. Hepatoma-derived growth factor and its role in keloid pathogenesis. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 14(6A):1328-37, 2010 Jun
- Ong CT, Khoo YT, Mukhopadhyay A, Masilamani J, Do DV, Lim IJ, Phan TT. Comparative proteomic analysis between normal skin and keloid scar. British Journal of Dermatology 2010 Jun;162(6):1302-15
- Mukhopadhyay A, Chan SY, Do DV, Khoo A, Ong CT, Lim IJ, Phan TT. The role of Hepatocyte Growth Factor/c-Met system in keloid pathogenesis. Journal of Trauma 2010 Dec;69(6):1457-66
- Do DV, Ong CT, Khoo YT, Carbone A, Lim CP, Wang S, Mukhopadhyay A, Cao XM, Cho DH, Wei XQ, Bellone G, Lim IJ, Phan TT. Interleukin-18 system plays and important role in keloid pathogenesis via epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. British Journal of Dermatology 2012 Jun; 166(6):1275-88
- Lim IJ, Phan TT. Epithelial and Mesenchymal Stem Cells From the Umbilical Cord Lining Membrane. Cell Transplantation 2014, 23: 497-503
- Ong CT, Lim IJ, Goldman MP, Hartman N, Masilamani J, Phan TT. Improvement in Skin Elasticity Using Red Deer Unbilical Cord Lining Mesenchymal Stem Cell Conditioned Media. Journal of Drugs in Dermatology 2023, 22(1): 82-89
- Sadick N, Somji M, Thompson L, Duschek N, Lim IJ. Cord Lining Mesenchymal Stem Cell Exosomal Proteins and their Effects on Hair Follicles. The PMFA Journal (Accepted for Publication)
Book Chapters
- Lim IJ, Kour AK, Pho RWH. Lengthening in free vascularised fibular graft Hand Clinics 15(4): 585- 588, 1999
- Lim IJ, Lim BH. Nerve Compression Injuries in General Practitioners’ Guide to Hand Surgery, Lim BH, Looi KP, Lim IJ (Eds), 2000
- Do DV, Masilamani J, Lim IJ, Phan TT. Chapter 26: Derivation of Hepatocytes from Human Umbilical Cord Lining Epithelial Cells. In: Bongso A, Lee EH (Eds). Stem Cells: From Bench to Bedside 2nd Edition, World Scientific Publishing Group, 2010